Saturday, June 23, 2012

Technologically Unsavvy

It has begun!  My writing that is, I know you were all thinking that I was talking about the end of the world.  After I had posted on here, looked around at some other blogs, read some forums, and found a really cool story, I sat down and wrote.  I took out a piece of paper and wrote.  Weird huh?

I have found that maybe doing some things without technology is a great idea.  I went camping last night and I cannot even begin to tell you about the relaxation that I got from the sound of crickets chirping along side of the soft croaks of the tree frogs.  It was a very much needed trip.  I was away from the computer, away from the phone, away from the microwave and all the other technology that I have lying around the house.  Maybe we all get too caught up in the whole typing process of writing, but what is writing?  When I think of the word writing I tend to think of a person holding a pen and using it to put words in a notebook or journal, not a person leaned over a small computer typing furiously as if their life depended on it.

I find that I enjoy writing stories much more than typing them.  What do you all prefer, type or write?

From Here.  No I have no clue who this person is but, he
sure looks peaceful.
While siting in my tent I thought about what it would have been like to live in the early 1800s, since I'm writing about that time period.  It would have been similar to the camping trip.  The only difference being that I had flash lights and they had candle, but I don't think that candles would be good in a tent considering that there is a little warning sign on the side that clearly states no open fires around the fabric.

I think that occasionally we all need to step out of our technological world and see the beauties of nature.  Especially if we're writing anything historical or in a different world where such technologies don't exist and we have little clue about how things happen without the help.  My youngest cousin who is about 5 asked me today how we found answers without Google.  I couldn't help but laugh a little, I mean I don't really remember a time without the internet, yes I'm young get over it, but that brings up a really great point: we can't find answers without Google.  Sad, isn't it.  I mean that there are books out there, but how many people would go find a book to look that up?  Especially without a computer.

I think that it is time for a little quote: "What are men compared to rocks and mountains?" Mary Bennet, Pride and Prejudice. I thought that this would be a good little addition to the post, considering it talks about nature:)

Perhaps I'm thinking too much like a transcendentalist, but I am sure of one thing with technology I couldn't live without Spell Check! 


  1. I really really wish I could write by hand but I just can't. One thing that always keeps me motivated and going is seeing my word count increase and I just don't have that with paper. But I DO keep a little journal with me to jot down notes. Being outside and exploring is great for ideas for me, just not for actual writing.

    Related to the Google thing: I recently read an author explain how they used to have to go through the yellow pages to find agents and publishers. Imaging how time consuming and you cannot find much information about them there!

    Oh, by the way, the first thing I noticed about that guy in the picture? He is barefoot in the snow!

    1. When I write with paper I love being able to see the amount of pages that stack up. I do love word counts but the actual pages make my day. I have tons of little journals all over the place.

      That would take so long to read through all of the pages to find agents and publishers. And that is one of the reasons I love Google!

      As for the snow, apparently that's sand somewhere in New Mexico. Lol! I've never seen sand that white, so I can see where you would get the idea that it is snow.
