Wednesday, June 20, 2012

My Findings

Goodness me, I forgot to post yesterday!  How silly of me!  I'm sorry, I was sick and I was unable to make it to the library yesterday and the charger to my laptop still hadn't arrived.  One good thing happened: I finished two of the three books that I had gotten from the library on Monday!  I'd have to say that they were very well written.  There were a few parts here or there that I would have re-worded or rewritten, but it was very little that I wanted to change.  The book The Girl in the Gatehouse by Julie Klassen was FABULOUS! I'd recommend that to you all, I'll type up a review tomorrow.

I returned to the library today and was rummaging through the YA section of the library.  I had posted on the absolutewrite forum about YA that we'd like to see more of.  I searched through the rows of books at the library only to come up with very very VERY few books that were historical.

I am one who loves history.  I mean drags her family to historical sights and reads those "dreadfully dull" history books.  I like it:)  What is wrong with all the YA authors out there?  I remember as a middle schooler picking up  Pride and Prejudice at my aunt's house and being absorbed into the colorful world of Miss. Elizabeth Bennet (yes, I LOVE that our names match).  I then ventured to the public library and asked around for some great historical novels that were a little easier to comprehend than Jane Austen's.  There weren't many.

So, here I am years later still finding the same predicament: no historical novels besides prince and princesses!  I have now made it my quest to write a YA historical novel.  This isn't my first big writing task and now I have this blog to keep me going, I mean I can tell all of you readers about my writing adventures!

Just before I leave you all I just want to add one thing, this dog photo.  It's my old loyal "dog" that I have defending my weed garden!  I really need to tidy that place up a bit, but it is so darn hot here.  I have realized how much fun it is to take pictures of lawn ornaments.  There is a house not too far from mine that has... gargoyles!  I'm trying to figure out when I can go sneak over there and capture a picture or two without the owners noticing.

Well, ta-ta for now! (Tigger reference)


  1. I love your dog. He's so cute. Almost makes me wish I had a garden to put him in...almost.

    I love historical fiction, but you're right, there's not much in YA--or not much that I've found that I want to read.

    Do you know what time period you'll use?

    1. Thanks! I got the dog from my grandparent's house a long time ago, he's rusty, but loyal:)

      I am currently thinking about the regency era for the time period. I am just completely enthralled by the mannerisms and lifestyle of back then. Plus, that's when most all of the books that I have been taking place in.

      It's good to see that others also want historical YA, it makes me happy:)
